Friday, August 30, 2024

Go-no go

At first glance it seemed possible to make some miles today. But a morning look out on the lake showed whitecaps popping up here and there. A little while later the wind picked up a bit higher than the forecast suggested it would and the white caps became the dominant feature past the breakwater. A couple of boats left anyway. We watched. As they cleared the breakwater they rolled pretty hard and threw sheets of water up from the bow. Unfortunately for us, one of them was a 54' trawler tied up across the dock from First Light. It was an excellent wind break. So long as it was there, we sat nearly perfectly still. But they allowed as to the size of their boat was more than a match for the winds and the waves. As they cleared the breakwater, there was no real roll and the bow just shoved the waves aside with little fuss. Another big boat pulled in while Deb and I were out on the beach with a good view. We were hoping that they would park him across from us but, alas, they waved him into a dock deep in the marina. So we are moving around a little. Still, better to be here than out there.

Another reason to stay put was that the forecast for the next couple of days has ramped up the winds to 30 knots. The next stop is an anchorage. Riding to an anchor in a trawler (which rolls far more than Kintala ever did) in 30 knots worth of shifting wind? I don't think that is something I need to experience if I can avoid it. The only downside to staying here is that riding to an anchor is free. But this trip has already turned out to be far more expensive than even our most generous estimates. At this point, a boat buck or two isn't going to make a lot of difference.

There's a really nice beach with super soft sand just steps from the marina.

The view of the marina from the breakwall and First Light in the background

A beautiful Kady Krogen Express 53

One of the fish restaurants in Leland

The historical shanty village along the waterway in Leland. It's still an active commercial fishery
as well as a very highly trafficked tourist destination thanks to the ferry that goes to/from North Manitou Island

This store sells smoked fish and the smoker fumes waft over the marina - yum!

The light changes so fast as the sun sets.

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