Saturday, August 10, 2024

Two Cup Day

Mmm...not sure what to say about today. It rained last night. This morning we got a sprinkle and a few more are inbound. First Light is swinging port and starboard in the shifting winds tumbling over the island and into the anchorage with occasional gusts to near 20 knots. There is little fetch so the ride is easy. Just try to ignore the scenery sliding relentlessly past the windows, though, forward...aft...starboard...port. It will mess with your head and have you wondering which way is which. But it is calm enough to have one thinking that we should be on the move.

The Windy app shows a solid twenty knots blowing outside of our cove here. After making the turn out of the Shawanaga inlet into Georgian Bay it would be right on the beam. And with a fetch of more than 50 miles? There is an old pilot's saying, “It is better to be on the ground wishing you were in the air than in the air wishing you were on the ground”. Same idea for boats.

Tomorrow the Windy app shows the wind laying down a little, blowing right at the edge of what we normally find comfortable. But it will still be almost directly on our beam if we head out and with that same 50 mile fetch. Perfect day for a sailboat. Not so perfect for a trawler with a roundish bottom, small keel, and no stabilizers. Sticking to our original plan of waiting until Monday to move still looks like the best choice. That has just been reinforced by a waterspout warning being issued for today and tomorrow in the Georgian Bay. 

Deb did the engine room checks yesterday. (I know, I'm a putz.) There was a minor glitch with the generator that took all of two minutes to find and fix. I was going to wash spider poop from the boat but with the rain forecast I let it go. With no one else in the anchorage I took to pounding on the djembe for a while. I've been told that its sound carries a long way over the water, so I don't usually get it out if there are any other people in sight. In the last little town we explored, we ran across xylophones permanently mounted near a walking path. I tried them all and they sounded pretty cool. Mmm...I may have to look into getting one of those when we get back to land. I know, I already have 10 ukuleles. But I only have three kinds of percussion instruments.  Four is a nice, round number. 

The hours float by filled with music practice, iPad games, reading, and writing. We are right on the edge of having internet access so most evenings we pull out the old DVD player, shuffle through our collection of discs, and watch a movie over dinner. And, since it is a bit chilly in these parts along with it being wet and windy, coffee hits the spot. So today has been a two cup day. However, whoever, or whatever you think about how the universe works, it is sometimes hard to understand why we have the chance to live this way. However, whoever, whatever...thank you.

What a great way to start the morning...

And what a great way to end the day.

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