Monday, August 5, 2024

Another easy day...

First Light had another day of just riding to her anchor. She swung around a little as the wind apparently couldn't decide just exactly where it was coming from or where it was going. I think it swirls in, around, and out of the anchorage since the boats are not all bow on in the same direction. And all of the boats are constantly swinging around their anchor rode.

The day started out weirdly dark and cloudy after a night of rain.

We did take the dink out for a stroll, putt-putting down the Island a bit just to see what we could see. Which was mostly just more Island. We went ashore for a few minutes and ran across a local couple giving their dogs a chance to do dog stuff. “Dog stuff” seems to include sniffing out every person around. I always try to be friendly to dogs. It isn't that I like dogs that much; it's that there seems little point in offending their people over a sniff or two. The dog's people spent some time chatting and gave us some good info for our next stop. The folks around here know the Bay like most of us land side city dwellers know our local block, which is way too cool. We also saw a sign that stated, “YOU ARE NOW IN BEAR COUNTRY”. There was a list of do's and don'ts including one that said report any bear sightings to a Park Ranger. Haven't seen any Park Rangers. Maybe they walk around looking for human scat figuring that is pretty good evidence of a bear sighting.

If one had any kind of boat that could be "home" over a weekend or even a few weeks, and lived on this bay? One could spend an entire lifetime exploring it and likely still not see it all. Which, one would have to admit, would be a pretty good way to spend a life. Our plan is to pull the hook in the morning and go see some more of this place. 

A very short stroll but Deb's knee is bothering her and we cut it short.

She's a pretty boat but I think she's looking better because of the company she's keeping...
That's a gorgeous Kady Krogen 48 behind her.

The anchorage was pretty empty after all the weekenders went home.

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