Sunday, August 18, 2024

Another 2-cup day

This was a day on the dock sitting out the winds. They showed, but were not as stiff as was suggested. Still, they were stiff enough that being on the dock was fine with us. Deb put in some serious work today defrosting both freezers and cleaning up the flybridge plastic windows and floor. We spend a lot of time in that area and it was showing. I didn't do much of anything boat related. But I did catch up on my online music lessons. We have been off the grid enough this week that I had fallen several days behind. And there was a motorcycle race to catch seeing that we actually have connectivity. Though, as seems to be pretty common, the marina wi-fi isn't working. I think that means we are sucking up roaming data, but I'm not sure.

We took a bit of an excursion to a nearby camp of some sort that has walking trails. We didn't get too far along the trail before it became obvious that forgetting the bug spray was a bad idea. The little buggers swarmed us as soon as we got deep enough into the woods that the wind was blocked. We turned around and headed back to the marina. We did get a look at an old lumber mill that was once the focus of the town. Some of the machines they used back then to move and stack the lumber were on a very modest kind of display. I think it safe to assume that the injury rate among the workers must have been atrocious.

One of the machines that carried stacks of lumber.

This machine stacked the boards

We did have a few minutes of excitement later in the afternoon. The marina crew had directed a sailboat to take the spot next to us in the slip. The captain turned his bow in and it was immediately obvious he wasn't going to make it. I moved into the cockpit to try and fend him off. But there was no need. The Captain hit reverse, backed away while still missing the breakwater close at hand. He then informed the marina dock hands that he wasn't going to try again as it was just too tight with too much wind. He instructed them that he would be taking a space on the face dock instead. Which he did. It was exactly what I should have done back in the marina at the rail lift.

We will likely be here at least one more day waiting out a bit more wind. From chatting around, it seems that most of the crews around us have come to the same conclusion. No one that I saw left today. The only boat that came in was the sailboat. Moving here to wait out the wind was definitely the right choice, brain glitch or not.

There was an awesome mural display on the side of the lumber yard building.

As these lands are native lands, most of the paintings are native themed.

A wetlands conservation project near the marina. Home to some river otters...
and lots and lots of mosquitos.

There was a big sign at the head of this trail: "You are in bear country".
They didn't mention the mosquitos which will eat you just as well as the bear...

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