Sunday, August 4, 2024

What to say about today...

There isn't a lot to say about today. First Light rode quietly to her anchor all day. The wind blew a bit all day and we had a float plane take off in the bay next to us, skimming over the boat at just a couple hundred feet. I watched a review of a Klos carbon fiber baritone Ukulele that lists for $1,399. If I sold every one of the ten Ukes I own for what I paid for them, I still couldn't afford the Klos. And even if I did, I would only have one Uke to play. (Today I practiced with three different ones. One concert. One tenor. And one Baritone.) I will admit that the Klos is a pretty thing and it sounded really good over the speaker on my iPad. So, in real life, it might sound ten times better than any of my other Ukes...but I doubt it. Particularly since I would be the one playing it and, truth to tell, getting the Klos to sing at its best is way beyond my skill level. Not quite as bad as handing a Stradivarius to a four year old, but Klos. (Sorry, unavoidable pun.) I also barely eeked out enough internet connection to watch the Moto GP race in Silverstone. It was a good race won by a rider who beat four World Champions to the finish line. I'll bet he and his team are still at the party. 

Deb was a bit more productive than I, defrosting the freezer and cleaning the fridge, and washing rags, but other than brushing away a few cobwebs I did absolutely no maintenance on the boat. None. Nada. Never even thought about changing into my work clothes or putting on any shoes. We did spend some time trying to decide where we would be going next and how we could get there without running into anything or bumping the bottom. As seems to be normal in these parts, the charts are not particularly trustworthy with “preferred routes” running over shallow spots and rocks while deeper water is shown just a couple of hundred feet to port or starboard. When we get to those bits we will go slow, keep an eye out, and hope for the best. (I really don't like having to “hope for the best”. It feels too much like gambling to me.)

With a bit of rain due in tonight and tomorrow we are thinking about having another day without a lot to say, then putting in a longish day on Tuesday. That will have us at the same place that two shorter days would have gotten us to.

And that about wraps it up for today. No drama. No scares. No broken bits. The way a day on a boat should be.

It's amazing how quickly the sky changes. these photos were within minutes of each other.

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