Thursday, August 15, 2024

Skipping along

Our original plan was to head to Killarney, ON, but after hearing all the other folks in the anchorage saying they were heading there with reservations (which we did not have due to no cell service in the anchorage), we decided to skip Killarney and head on to Little Current.

We are on a town dock known as (I am not kidding) “Little Wally's Dock Service, in the town of Little Current. We were going to take a slip at a marina after stopping there for fuel and a pump out. But the slip they had for us looked like a pretty tight fit and, having already crunched the boat once, I really didn't want a repeat. As it turns out both the marina and Little Wally's Dock Service are owned by the same company and there was room for us on the town face dock. Making me glad I chickened out on the slip. The main reason we looked for a place to tie to rather than a place to drop a hook is that our Cummins engines are a little overdue for an oil and filter change. Being the excellent mechanic that I am, I never checked to see if we had enough oil on board for a full change. We didn't. After tying up to Little Wally's we took a bit of a walking tour, ended up at an auto parts store, gathered up the oil we needed, and headed back to the boat.

After being up at 0600 and under way by 0641, roughly eight and a half hours and forty five NM later we were at Little Wally's. I really should be changing the oil right now but I'm feeling a bit worse for wear. Not sure why because today's run was about as easy as it gets. Motor out of Bad River, turn to starboard, draw a straight line for thirty-two NM, a couple of easy jogs, clear one swing bridge...done. Oh, and with nearly flat seas run the auto pilot about 95% of the time. But my stern is still dragging. 

Tomorrow will be oil change day, then we will have to see. There is supposed to be some weather moving in that will keep us pinned until after the weekend. The best thing would be to get the oil changed and then head to a nearby anchorage to wait out the weather dock fee free. But that is tomorrow. Today was a day to put in some miles, and put in some miles we did.

It was fun watching them dock this huge tour boat in a tiny space behind us.

As far as docks go, this one has a pretty fantastic view.

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