Sunday, September 1, 2024


Most of this morning my mind chafed at the thought that we should be moving. Calm winds, blue sky, and a look out at the lake showed little to no wave action. Several boats departed though it must be admitted that most of those were considerably larger than First Light. Moreover, all of the Looper boats that are nearer our size, but still slightly bigger, are securely tied to the docks. Still, calm winds and blue sky...

The urge to be underway is the driving force right now. As such, it needs to be carefully considered when making a “It looks like the forecasts are wrong again, let's go!” decision. I want to be going, but is that really an option for today? 

I did mention the weather to Deb in a most offhand way possible just to test the waters (pardon the pun). But she had already checked the weather and reminded me that today wasn't really the problem even with the beam winds. Tonight and tomorrow at anchor are the real concerns. The most recent forecasts have backed off from tonight's winds at 30 to winds at 25. Tomorrow is still 10 to 20.

I can't say anything much about tomorrow's winds. But tonight's winds are making themselves known even though it is barely noon. The flags are standing straight out and would be pointing directly at our beam if we were underway. The tops of the trees are dancing around. Look at the lake and one sees a bunch of white. First Light is tugging at her lines in pretty much every direction and has a nice little roll going.

So, all in all, not staying put was never really an option. I should be cleaning up the boat a little but the wind and chill takes all the fun out of spraying water around. It will be a slow, but safe, day. And that makes it a pretty good day...even if we aren't covering some miles.

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