For out first cruising night on the hook we went about as far
up the Magothy River as we could and ended up the only boat anchored
up in a perfect little bay. For our second night we are on Back
Creek Annapolis. Now I have no way of knowing for sure (being less
than 2 days a cruiser) but this just might be as busy a sailboat
place as any in the world. Getting anywhere near here meant dodging
several packs of racing boat (something I didn't do very well) and
more sailboats than I have ever seen in one place.. Once in Back
Creek we crept along trying to figure out just where to park; picked
a spot, dropped the hook, didn't like it, picked the hook back up,
and picked a much better spot. (We did the same thing last night.
Picking a spot to drop the hook takes some practice.) Now we sit
watching a parade of boats pass fore and aft of us, motor around each
other, stop, dance about each other, and back between piers. Welcome
to boating central. And somehow, though the two places are about as
different as two anchorages can be; we have been equally thrilled
with each.

Today's sail was as perfect as they get. Last night's bit of rain
backed the wind around to the west. This morning, flying just the
head sail, we rode a following wind nearly straight down the river
while at nearly 6 knots. Deb was on the helm and did (if I do say so
myself) and expert job of jybing us though the narrow cut back into
the bay. From there we picked up a beam reach, decided the main
would be superfluous in the nearly 20 knots of wind, and headed
Lake Carlyle is a bit more than 6
miles long from Boulder to the dam. I have been joking that my
cruising life wouldn't really start until Kintala had carried us more
than 6 miles away from the place we had been that morning. As it
turns out the Chesapeake Bay Bridge is close enough to 6 miles away
from the head of the Magothy river to count. Deb had, in her own
mind, set the Bridge as a kind of border, a place where an old life
ended and a new life started. So we were both all smiles as Kintala
slipped under the twin spans.
We have sailed about 50 miles so far, and are now just over 10
miles south of where we were two days ago. With the wind forecast to
be in our face again tomorrow we may just take a couple of days to
catch up on a few projects (this is still Kintala after all) buy some
parts, and bask in the fact that we are, in fact, “out here”.
We're not very far “out here”, but we are a lot further then we
were back in IL.
Wow and congratulation!! What a long road it has been. The emotions roller coster you two are going through right now must be incredible. Enjoy the next chapter, I know I will be interested in following. When you get close to Jacksonville/St Augustine I should be available for ground support.
Love the pictures
Back Creek gets quieter around the corner past Jabins. Can be tight if there is anyone there.
Congratulations on the start of your voyage. We are just staring the process (9-years) away so we will follow your blog with interest.
Welcome Andrew. Hope you're able to avoid some mistakes by learning from ours!
@Mike K - thanks for the offer! We may take you up on that. It's going to be a while till we get there tho
@Capt Mike - There were so many boats here this weekend due to some races that we stopped here in front of Annapolis Landing. We have a great view of all the traffic, including the barges of floating docks that they're bringing back from the boat show teardown.
@Fred and John - Thanks for the encouragement!
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