Any of you who have followed the blog for awhile were made aware of our good friend Mike's terrible tragedy in which he lost his wife and was badly injured. He was transported via Life Flight away from their catamaran in Staniel Cay, Bahamas, and taken to the hospital in Nassau. Later, he was transported via land medical transport back to his home in Colorado. This left one huge problem, how to get the boat back to the US to her home base.
I can't even begin to tell you how many people stepped up to the plate to offer help. Some folks guarded the boat in the anchorage so that it wouldn't get vandalized. Some took care of Mike's dog. Many many people donated to the GoFundMe effort. And many others offered their services free of charge to return the boat to NC.
In the end, it was Renee and her husband Chris of Oceanaire Yacht Delivery who brought the boat back to its home berth where it arrived yesterday. For Mike, this is a huge relief and some closure. For Renee and Chris it was a gift, a giving back, a paying forward, things that the cruising community are so wonderfully good at. And, in the end, I hope it deposits a huge ton of points in their Black Box.
So if you find yourself in need of a yacht delivery, please consider supporting these folks with your business.
Oceanaire Yacht Delivery

- (770) 380-6251Mobile

- oceanaireyachtdeliveries@gmail.comEmail
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