Saturday, September 2, 2023

October 19th, 2013

Three thousand six hundred and seven days ago we pulled the dock lines onto Kintala's deck, motored away from Oak Creek Marina, and headed out on our cruising adventure. Now, all those days later, First Light is anchored just a couple of hundred feet from those docks. And I swear that the trawler tied to the end pier is the exact same boat, sitting in the exact same place, as the day we first headed out.

It seems surreal to be here again.

The last leg of this part of this particular journey was near perfect. It was a bit after 0700 when we pulled out of Kent Island to take advantage of a day with wind forecasts of light and variable. Grandson Eldest had the helm, backing us out of the slip and out into the river like he had done it 100 times. Just before 1100 the anchor splashed into Rock Creek and settled into the bottom. It will be a quiet couple of days of sitting in a picture perfect and well protected little anchorage while waiting out the holiday weekend. After that, things will get pretty busy with the normal prep work needed to safely leave a boat on the hard for a winter.

I was hoping to never have to do that again. All the work that went into having a boat included getting it near enough to St. Louis to be a regular part of our lives. Pulling the boat when needed for bottom paint, and then only for a few days, was the plan. For the most part it would be just a short drive away, available for weekends, vacation days, and just plain hanging out for fun or when the need to be back on the water grew overwhelming. It will be close to another year before that is the case. Still, we make plans but the universe has veto power. So I will accept this last bit of sitting as a really pleasant way to end what has been a less than stellar summer. Living on a boat at a nice anchorage is, to me anyway, about the perfect vacation spot. So this is a mini vacation before having to get back to work. I intend to enjoy every moment of it. I intend to enjoy every minute of being back in St. Louis with most of the people I love most in the world. And I intend to enjoy being back here next year to splash First Light yet again, and get her “home”.

Dinner Sunset at The Jetty in Kent Island

The anchorage at Oak Harbor Marina

The view from my chair in the cockpit. I need to frame it and
sit it by the couch in the apartment.

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