While living on Kintala we did the ICW North – South – North trip several times. During none of those trips did we attempt the Dismal Swamp. The primary reason was our better than 5 foot draft. Word was there would be barely a foot of water under the keel for most of the trip. The secondary reason was more prosaic. Neither “Dismal” nor “Swamp” are words that conjure up a vision of a pleasant place to visit. The name itself was enough to keep me away. But things work out as they will, and we committed to trying to pass through the Swamp. So we fired up First Light after a brief trip to the local coffee shop and departed Elizabeth City for the Dismal Swamp Visitor's Center with its free dock, bathrooms, and water supply.
It was some of the most interesting miles of water I have ever ventured across. Other than the temp, it was a perfect day. The water was so flat that it was hard to tell where the horizon was. Everything in sight was perfectly reflected in the mirror-like water. Only a thin dark line marked where the actual shore line could be found. It felt like First Light was drifting though a sky of tree shaped green colored clouds. The visuals were nothing short of mesmerizing. The first part of the channel was as twisty as any I have traveled. Fortunately First Light's twin engines and hydraulic steering are starting to feel "normal" so staying in the middle of the channel was not near the challenge it might have been. To be frank, I have never seen such a scene before. It was near magical.

We did bump into something a few times. But we were also running just enough above idle for the engines to be happy, leaving us doing about 4 knots. So whatever we bumped we didn't bump very hard. I don't know that I would have ever come this way in Kintala. But I'm glad that circumstances suggested we come this way in First Light. If you ever get a chance to drive a boat north from Elizabeth City into the Dismal Swamp, don't pass it up. It may be a swamp, but there is nothing “Dismal” about it.
South Mills Lock |
South Mills Lock |
South Mills Lock |
South Mills Lock |
Dismal Swamp Free Dock |
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