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The carriage house companionway with a view into the cockpit |
There is a regular parade of kids including, once in a while, friends of grand kids. It has taken away much of the sting of having had to leave the cruising life for more mundane waters, though there is still many things to get used to. We have two rooms now. That is one less than the boat’s v-berth, salon, and aft cabin, though Kintala’s rooms were cabins of course, and much smaller. So it all still feels too big, and a bit clunky. In fact all of land living feels a bit clunky. Traffic surges and stops. Houses and buildings are mostly squared off blocks arranged in bigger (and rightly named) blocks, which are bordered by squared off streets. Sometimes it reminds me of old video games filled with squared off people riding in squared off cars and walking their squared off dogs.
One good part having our own squared off front room is that it has been filled up with all of the instruments, plus one, that we had stored away all over the boat. Two “bucket drums,” various percussion instruments, a kind of Lute, a flute, my Uke, and a guitar Deb has been learning to play, (the “plus one.”) As soon as some bonus money lands in our account we hope to add two more, a somewhat smaller guitar for Deb, and a somewhat larger Uke for me. One of the reasons grand kids drop by is to practice on the drums. Daughter Middle’s house has a piano, guitars, and a whole collection of Ukuleles, including one of ancient solid wood that makes the most mellow tone you have ever heard…so long as it stays in tune. Something that it isn’t prone to do with its older style pegs. But Grampy T is the drummer of the family and kids like drums.
I like that the house is often full of music, even if its one of the kids trying to learn LLLL RRRR LLRR LLRR LRLR LRLR LRLL RLRR, or my still more than modest attempts at finding a song hiding in the strings of the Uke. It reminds me of the boat where, even without our contribution, nature often filled the day with music of her own. There was the water slapping against the hull, the winds whispering through the rigging, the thump and splash of jumping rays and the puffs of broaching dolphins. (Who would have thought that one could miss the sound of dolphins this much?) Somehow the sounds of cars, ‘choppers, jets, trucks, and garage door openers just doesn’t come across as music. (Well, maybe… if one thinks really bad, out of tune music.)
And let's not forget barking dogs. Being surrounded by dolphins broaching and puffing is magic. Being surrounded by dogs yapping and barking and scratching is just down-right annoying.
At the shop I have finally cleared the initial qualification hurdles and start working with client crews next week; GFS and Simulator only. Classroom qualification is several weeks (at least) away yet, and awaits a week long trip to Dallas for additional training. Clearly the clunk who coined the phrase, “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” never taught people to fly jets. Getting type rated in the Legacy was the easiest part of learning this new job. To fly the jet takes “X” amount of knowledge and skill. To teach others to fly the jet takes X times 10. It’s no wonder than when people go looking for an airplane driver they often raid the training centers. Which is the reason we get a bonus for staying, and that will let me buy another Uke.
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The Boat Hammock still getting used with lots of laughter |
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Some beauty from the local park. Anyone know what this tree is? |
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And yes, still some water fun thanks to their other grandparents' farm pond |
Yup: teaching is more than doing. The tree, by the way, is a tulip tree aka tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera).
Music is great therapy for me too. Bought a Luna Tat Uke bass, tuned an octave higher than a bass (contrabass), but still with EADG tuning like bass and guitar. Love playing the old "murder song" 'In the Pines': and 'Longview' by Greenday-about all I know so far but so melodic.
If you can't have the sea at least you get the soft sweet celestial music of the spheres-or else screaming Greenday proto punk rock. Your choice.
Flight instructors, especially primary instructors, don't get the respect they deserve for the difficult dangerous job they do. You're supposed to be so happy building hours that you forget your dog groomer gets paid more. It ain't fair, is all I'm saying.
Jeffrey - thanks for the tree info. My daughter's new house has a garden that rivals the Botanical Gardens. It's going to take a long time to learn all the plants, flowers, and trees here and how to care for them. They have a Magnolia tree in the front yard that they've been told by the powers that be is the largest specimen of its kind in Missouri. Kids sure love to climb it...
Tod, I very much enjoyed being a primary flight instructor. It was always a part time gig though, no one made enough money doing it to actually live on. Though I am back in aviation, I inhabit a very small and somewhat exclusive corner of that world. I have no idea where I would send someone looking to learn to fly these days. I don't even have any idea where I would go to rent a little piston banger for a hour of touch and go's. I am pretty sure that I wouldn't want pay the hourly rate, or jump through the insurance hoops it would take, to make that hour happen. As for something, anything, being "fair" when it comes to economics? I pretty happy if we bumble along without things turning out being lethal which, in my bit of the world right now, is a big topic. I teach people to fly one of the world's most advanced, full fly-by-wire airplanes. With Boeing rapidly becoming the poster child for the practice of putting customers at risk in exchange for jacking up the stock price a few pennies, you can imagine some of the questions we are starting to get about the intricacies deep in the computer brains behind the jet. Truth to tell, I spent a few hours in the cockpit trainer last week, and one thing I went looking for was were the circuit breaker is located that shuts down the electric pitch trim system.(There is no manual trim on this airplane.) I am never going to need to know that. No one who ever flies this airplane is ever going to need it either. There are at least 4 layers of redundant protection designed into that system. The universe will grow old and die before all of those fail in the necessary order to cause an insurmountable flight control failure. But, you know? I like knowing were that circuit breaker is anyway.
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