Saturday, and it is supposed to rain all day. Normally that would prompt a touch of the blues, maybe a groan or two, from the deck monkey of Kintala. Rain will forestall outside work. Lack of parts has inside work stopped as well. We don't own a car for getting parts, and there is nowhere nearby to walk to for shopping, loafing, or eating ice cream. Oak Harbor is a great marina / boatyard, but it isn't like other marinas I have known. At our lake Carlyle sailing home of Boulder, weekends are when the clan gathers for fun, sailing, and parties. But a boatyard closes down for the weekends, and there are very few weekend sailors that hang around here. Here, the Wednesday night race series is the social focal point; weekends this place is like a ghost town. A ghost town in the rain, with very few people around, no club house, and no place else to go. We are sitting on the hard, surrounded by wet sand that gets tracked everywhere, not a palm tree, beach, or dolphin in sight. Not exactly living large on a yacht.
Daughters and families are far away. Our resent visit still fresh in my mind, the distance still a little heavy on my heart. Yet with all that I am a contented camper. There will be no real work accomplished today, no project to start, struggle with, or finish up. There will see some reading done, some writing, and I have already watched the cracking MotoGP race that was run early this morning (East Coast Time) at the Motul TT Assen.
Back in my old life a day off usually meant a day spent being very busy doing other stuff. The good news was that days off came on a regular bases, and we always kept track of when they were nigh. In this life, days off are rare. Not that big of a surprise since we often don't know what day it is. Not what day of the week, not what day of the month, sometimes we are not particularly positive just what month it is. Virtually every day something needs done on the boat. Weather and equipment failures can, and often do, change a restful day into a busy one, and a busy day into very hectic one indeed. Days under way fall into their very own category of existence, having nothing in common with everyday land living's categories of busy or bored, rested or exhausted, even well fed or hungry.
So today is a day in the rain, with nothing much to do, and that is going to be just fine with me.
Daughters and families are far away. Our resent visit still fresh in my mind, the distance still a little heavy on my heart. Yet with all that I am a contented camper. There will be no real work accomplished today, no project to start, struggle with, or finish up. There will see some reading done, some writing, and I have already watched the cracking MotoGP race that was run early this morning (East Coast Time) at the Motul TT Assen.
So today is a day in the rain, with nothing much to do, and that is going to be just fine with me.