My grandson Julian's language skills are developing at a pretty intense rate. Yesterday he introduced into his repertoire the concept of "This - because - that" and might have had just a tiny bit of trouble with fully integrating it. Wanting to go outside the cockpit with Papa, he realized he needed his life jacket and said, "I need my jacket because.....because I need my jacket!" He knew there was a reason, was unable to grab it just yet, and simply repeated his need.
I wonder how many very early perspective cruisers need to be more like Julian? I need to go cruising because.... Maybe there's a benefit in looking at the situation through the eyes of a two-year-old, not over thinking the reasons, just tending to the most basic of needs. Freedom. Peace. Fulfillment. Happiness.
This afternoon it rained and two toddlers danced naked in the cockpit. Just...because.
I wonder how many very early perspective cruisers need to be more like Julian? I need to go cruising because.... Maybe there's a benefit in looking at the situation through the eyes of a two-year-old, not over thinking the reasons, just tending to the most basic of needs. Freedom. Peace. Fulfillment. Happiness.
This afternoon it rained and two toddlers danced naked in the cockpit. Just...because.
I need to go cruising because!
I think the sentence can just end right there. :-)
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