When I lived on land I was an airplane driver. That put me in a closer relationship with the weather than most land dwellers. So when we decided to live on a boat I figured we had a leg up on the "getting along with the weather" front. I was only partially correct.

Living in the weather, on the other hand, has been a huge change of focus. For a land dweller the weather needs to get truly nasty before anyone really notices. (Except for TWC folks. They seem to get all giddy and breathless over a rain shower in TX.) Cold fronts, warm fronts, rain showers, light snow, even thunderstorms, all pass over the house or apartment building virtually unnoticed, particularly at night. I never gave that much thought until we moved onto the boat and headed out.
Back porch view |
Front Porch View |
As a pilot the weather was something I considered while making plans. On the boat the weather is pretty much my whole world. The metronome that sets the pace of my life clicks off the passing of cold fronts. Nearly everything we do is measured around the passing of the next one. When it is on us we don't much more than just sit and wait it out, hoping we are sitting in a good spot.
It is a total change of focus that was completely unexpected, one that I haven't quite made peace with yet. Every few days my world gets pushed around, rocked, rolled, and noisy. There is always some increase in possible problems. Sometimes that increase is minor, like today. Sometimes major, like Fishers Bay, Oriental, Charleston, and Vero Beach. (We just learned that the one that passed while we were in Vero Beach caught an experienced sailor in his 31 foot boat out in the Hawk channel. He was blown out to sea, battered by twelve foot waves, rescued by a Coast Guard helicopter, and lost his boat / home of ten years.)
For the life of me I don't remember anyone mentioning this relentless pounding of cold fronts as the primary background music for the cruiser life. Maybe it is just this time of the year? Maybe it is just this year? I don't know. But what I do know is this; people have been hurt, boats have been damaged and lost, and we have spent a lot of hours "on watch".
I've been following and enjoying your blog for awhile now and wondered your interaction with the weather had changed given your previous occupation. I recently came across a website which you might be interested in. http://earth.nullschool.net/
Richard - that's an amazing website!
Hope you find it useful. If you don't mind I'll check back with you at some time in the future to see how closely the forecasts match the reality. Safe travels
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