OK so you might not think this is such a big deal, but all sailors know that this is some sort of a rite of passage. Cruising vacationers generally do not learn how to splice a line. Voyagers, on the other hand, realize that this is a valuable skill to know, and most perfect it. (New sailing term for the week: fid - noun Nautical. 1. a wooden or metal pin for parting strands of a rope.)
As you have by now realized, Tim has not been flying much, and as a result has been filling his time with all things nautical. Another first this week - he built a new section of cockpit grate to fill the vacant spot left by removing the captain's seat at the aft end of the cockpit. Here it is during the building process. I promise to have pictures of it finished and installed.
Add to the list of firsts the headliner replacement last weekend and the side panel replacement and the seahood re-bedding and the new Dyneema lifeline making and at the moment I guess I'm pretty satisfied. Now if we could just get her in the water...
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