Deb arrived around 7 PM. It was getting late, getting dark, the wind was blowing, and we were both tired after a long week. Saturday morning was the BYC "Poker Run" with the registration and Captain's meeting at 1000. All good reasons to stay at the dock.
So of course Deb and I went sailing.
The wind was blowing pretty good and as I backed out of the slip the bow swung the wrong way, recalling visions of my first attempt at getting little Nomad to the lake. This time though I backed hard across, just shy of the boats on the next dock, spun the helm, called upon our little diesel to dig us out of the hole, and got the bow pointing the way I wanted. It was a bit sporting but we got it done. Rounding the corner to the lake provided us with a most spectacular view of the setting moon back lit by the red sky of the setting sun.
Once on the lake we had to work through a small rigging problem trying to set the main with a single reef. In spite of the darkening skies and pitching deck we figured out what we needed to do, (though it did cost me another hat as I wrestled with the flailing mainsail). The broad reach to Coles Creek was a perfect night sail. We set the hook in total darkness having the inlet completely to ourselves. Though a bit bouncy with the wind and waves, the temps were delightful for August and we had a comfortable night. (I think Deb just wanted to try out her new galley L.E.D. light while coving out.)
Saturday we got up early to sail back to Boulder and join the fun. We got there around 1030, (close enough to on time for sailors) got our registration and directions paperwork, left the dock again and started a romp around the lake in Force 4 / 5 winds. It was a great day of sailing and at the end all the participants gathered around to draw cards and enjoy dinner. As card players Deb and I are pretty good sailors. Between the two of us I'm not sure we drew 4 cards that were the same color; needless to say we didn't win anything. That didn't matter though. Afterward Bill mentioned that "Paradise" was heading for Coles Creek for the night and we were welcome to join her. That sounded good to us and little Nomad left her slip for the third time, actually getting to Coles Creek first. We set a hook and were joined by Paradise, Orca and Quicksilver.. It was the first time we rafted up at night and it was kind of fun. (Serenity, another boat from Boulder, was resting nearby.)

Sunday morning dawned clear and calm. We spent part of the morning fixing a small water leak Deb discovered while cleaning the inside of the boat. We tried to sail home but the light winds directly out of the north made that impossible, so we ended up motoring back to the marina. As usual on Sunday we headed to the pump out station to empty the head. And as usual we passed the MacGregor 36 catamaran that is tied to the end pier. This time though, Gabe was getting Tango ready to sail. Somehow Deb talked us into crewing so we hurried our pump out visit, tied little Nomad to her slip and jumped aboard Tango for a final sail of the weekend. (Best I can give you is a stock photo - we didn't have time to grab the camera.)

Tango is an open bridge-deck catamaran with a HUGE sail plan. I think the jib on that thing would just about cover Nomad like a blanket. Even with the light and funky winds there were times when we were making close to 10 knots, the water rushing past the twin hulls and flowing under the tramps. It was cool beans!
After tying Tango to her dock and taking leave of new friend Gabe we went back and tended to Nomad, who was in serious need of some T.L.C. You see, as we sailed out of channel Saturday night a swam of core bugs descended onto her decks and sails. (Corps bugs, we found out, are named after the Army Corps of Engineers. It seems no one in the area ever saw any such a critter until the Corps built the dam that stopped the river that made Carlyle lake. So now we know.) Corps bugs, when squished, make a nasty, hard to remove, purple / black spot. Nomad looked like a bug war-zone, her decks stained with the demise of thousands of the little creatures. Scrubbing her clean took hours, and it was still and perfect weekend.
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