There were, however, the small issues of this being the first time on our little sailboat, the first time to ever actually sail, the first time for Christopher to have a really long car trip let alone a first sailing experience, the first time we've had more than one overnite guest on the boat at one time...lots of firsts and that usually translates into lots of stress, all the more so when it involves a six month old baby.
Yet, within 15 minutes of being there, Brian decided that this boat had all the space and all the "stuff" necessary to sustain life without complications and Kristin and the baby were laughing and tickling in the V-berth
After a gourmet breakfast of Golden Grahams, Lucky Charms and at least some healthy food in the form of Yoplait Light, we headed out for their first sail. The wind was a little frisky, in the 12-16 knot range with some whitecaps all around, but Christopher was safely in the Moby, and with a reef in the main we sailed out of the marina and enjoyed a trip a good part across the lake and back. It turns out that all three are natural born sailors and handled the choppy waves just fine. Brian got his first of a few good naps after that while I got dinner ready. There were quite a few people at the marina yesterday evening due to the club races, so we had a chance to grill out and eat on the patio with a group of marina friends.
It was a very early bed time for everyone since we'd all gotten up early that morning.
This morning our friend Barry spent some time with us in the cockpit over coffe and pancakes discussing the finer points of Aristotle, Aquinas, Chesterton, Hume and a few others I'm sure I've forgotten. Barry was clearly in heaven, having someone to discuss philosophy with, and Kristin and Brian were thrilled to have someone who actually understands half of what they read (The philosophy gene is one Kristin did NOT get from me...)
I won't repeat the tales of today's sail since you can read Tim's previous post, but here are some good pictures.
Kristin and Brian headed home this afternoon just in time to get ahead of the storms marching across the plains. Both were pleasantly tired from the fresh air and gently rocking boat, but I think the prescription of a day and a half of leisure was successfully filled.
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