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Steam coming off the lake this morning. It was 51° on July 28th in the St. Louis area. Last year we were in the middle of two weeks of 108° |
Sitting in the city for the evening and away from the boat is giving me a chance to breathe easy for a few minutes. Kintala is on the hard, the crane will be along in the next few days to un-step the mast, (a procedure I am assured will be lacking in drama as well - unlike stepping it a couple of years ago) and the shipper insists he hasn't forgotten about us; price and actual ship date to be provided. I figure it will take a full day to prep for the mast coming off the boat. (Undo wiring, un-chock the mast at the deck, move the new table off the bulkhead and out of the way, stays, rigging - yep; a full day.)
The bottom paint is going to take at least one full week. Kintala sports a nice "smile" at the keel joint and has at least four different colors of paint on her - a light and dark blue, one coat of black in there somewhere, and some red. We are going to sand it, fair it, paint it, and splash it. We don't have time to take it down to a barrier coat and start over, and it isn't like we are going racing. I'm looking for a "10": if it looks good from 10 feet away, it's a paint job.
Finishing the wind vane is any one's guess but I'm hoping to have it done by this time next week. There is still more stuff to go on the boat than there is boat for the stuff. The new Mantus anchor and bottom paint should arrive at the marina this week. Somewhere we need to find room for the old anchor, and the Danforth still needs a coat of paint before it goes back in its locker. (Three anchors should be enough, right?)
Regardless of where sits the project list, when the truck gets here, we go. (Which may not be the best decision I have ever made but we have jumped already; the landing is the only thing in question now.)
Yet somehow, with this initial lift done, it all seems just that little bit less overwhelming.