when a plan doesn't quite come together.
The big winds and rain at the boat this weekend resulted in water pooling on my oh-so-pretty forward hatch. Said water leaked through one corner, (leaked as in flowed in a constant little stream) which soaked
my side of the v-berth. Deb quick sewed a new water-proof hatch cover to cover (literally) my manufacturing defect. Additional sealer to be applied as soon as I haul it from the home shop to the lake.
A shipment of teak arrived at the house last week, including a piece needed to fix the forward trim of the companionway. The old one was split, broke, major ugly looking, and would leave a splinter in any hand placed there for support while entering the boat. Measured, assembled (two parts fit and glued together), screw holes plugged, wood sanded and finished with several coats of hand rubbed clear over stain, the new part fairly glowed in lush teak glory.
It didn't fit.
It did fit when I got done...sort of. It looks yards better than the old but it isn't exactly what I was aiming for. Rats - oh for two.
At 1500 yesterday afternoon I got a call from work. More than five years have I flown these good folks around, never have I had a short-notice pop up trip. Suddenly I had three hours to be wheels up with the airport being two hours away from the boat. Fortunately the Z-car is the ride to have when one is in a hurry, though even it can't help much in rush hour traffic. My co-captain saved my corporate pilot butt, got us ready to go, uploaded fuel, did the preflight. I had about 10 minutes to spare, just enough time to load the FMS with the flight plan before the pax arrived. I didn't have time to stop by the house to change, so I hid in the cockpit in my jeans and tennis shoes while the pax were on board. It was pretty late when I got back to the lake. The flight got done, everyone was happy, but it was a bit ugly for those who could peak behind the curtain. Oh for three.
This morning has been a flurry of emails as we try to put the finishing touches on trips tomorrow and Monday. I don't know if those plans are going to come together...sometimes getting the travel plans of a group of busy VIPs coordinated is like herding cats.

Seeing as I was on such a roll, I was going to start in on
Kintala's new storage rack today. What could go wrong with that? Before I cut a single piece of wood we took another gaze at the galley / nav area and decided to rethink the starboard side spice rack. Plan abandoned before plan even started. Oh for four.
So instead we went to cruise home supply stores, see what kind of ideas came up. I bought a $5 hinge to put on the 'fridge lid so it wouldn't fall on Deb every time she went looking for something. I had to shift the cold plate a little to make room, but it came out pretty good.
One out of five. That will have to do this weekend.