Thursday, July 11, 2019

Throwback Thursday - The Destination

Whether you're preparing to go cruising, or whether you're transitioning to land or to another boat or adventure, feeling like you're never going to get there is a very common thing. I wrote this post less than a year before we left, but I suspect I'll feel exactly the same when we transition back to the boat at the end of our time here.

The Destination

I follow a blog called Terra D'Agua which, if you've never been, is worth looking at. One of the two writers, Tassio, wrote a thought-provoking piece about the destination being the journey. His quote:

"Who gives time to meet the paths of a place is usually rewarded with surprising moments of pure authenticity. For sure the stop over on the city or next port is really appreciated but when I travel I try not to focus only on my port of arrival, my destination is sometimes in between a place and the other."


I was thinking a lot on that quote today because it seems like the path to the destination of our departure is getting farther away instead of closer. The house won't sell, we're having mechanical issues, the mountain of things that would need done to actually move out of the house if it did sell is astronomical, etc etc. It discourages me sometimes because I keep celebrating birthdays in the meantime.

Then today, even though we couldn't sail (no water in the lake), I got a lot of canvas work done and Tim got a lot of teak cleaned and ready for refinishing, and we had some good times with friends at the marina, and for the moment it occurred to me that our departure, while it's a goal, is only a piece of the journey we're already on. 

So for now my destination is in between a place and the other.


darmysarmy said...

I'm sorry to see Kintala for sale. I haven't followed you for a while, but remember reading your stories about learning to sail Nomad and the long process of bringing Kintala up to your standards. I hope to get out there some day, and hope you find the right buyer that will appreciate your hard work, dedication, and especially the love you put into your boats. I wish now was the time for me to buy... Best of luck with your future,
David in Vermont

Deb said...

David never fear... The adventure will continue, just in a different boat. When you get ready to go just be sure you have enough money so you don't have to stop and build up the cruising kitty like we're doing!